Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Announcement

We are in the process of painting the exterior of our house. To do so, we much first scrape. We are making lots of progress and hope to paint very soon. With that said, let me explain why we are painting now... because (gasp) we are getting ready to put our house up for sale. Yes, I said it. For Sale. I don't want to think about how much work we have put into it or how much I love it or how great it is looking or what plans we had in store for it... I am trying very hard to concentrate on the move. We are moving to be closer to our families, our kids will be closer to their grandparents and I will hopefully have a little family support as I begin my first year as a homeschool parent.

So, if you know anyone who would like to buy a mostly renovated house and take it to completion, I've got your house!


Kristy said...

That's so sad; but I wish you luck on your upcoming sale. Best to get your priorities in order now before it's too late, it will be nice to be closer to family.

I hope you'll continue posting throughout this process and into your new journey.

goddessof4 said...

Good luck!!!! I am a homeschooling mom too ,i have been homeschooling for at least 10 years.For a few years I had some kids in school and some homeschooled.Now I am back to homeschooling the youngest!!! It has been one of the best things our family decided to do!!! Sara

Holly said...

Wonderful!! I must say, I'm a bit nervous. Not so much about educating them, but about my ability to stay sane! :)

Nance said...

and so . . . what now? have you sold? have you moved? are you content?

FreeBird Farm said...

We are still working on painting the exterior (I should post on that soon!) in preparation of putting a sign up. Since we only have weekends and weeknights (around work, dinner, and getting all 3 kids in bed) so like everything, it's dragging along!